Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Instagram diary #1 ♡

So i've seen people do 'Instagram diaries' on their blogs before so I thought I would do something similar and share with you guys some of my photos on Instagram. Whether you are wondering what sort of photos I post on my Instagram or you already follow me and would just like a little insight on my photos I hope you enjoy reading this post! 

(From left to right...)

1. What a better way than to start with a selfie. I took this before going to meet a friend for a spot of lunch and some shopping. 

2. A snapshot of the shopping trip with my beautiful girl Millie.

3. PINK! This was during the process of dying my hair pink with the 'Bleach London Rosè.

4. 'It's better to have nobody than someone who is half there, or who doesn't want to be there'. I've been trying to tell myself this as much as possible recently, if ever i'm having a little down moment because I can relate extremely well to this right now! 

5. I'll be honest, this photo of Brighton Pier isn't my photo. I posted it because my parents told me that for my 18th were taking a trip to Brighton which I was SUPER excited about. It's somewhere i've always wanted to go and I cannot wait. 

6. Now this one is my photo, its just from a while ago. I posted this as a 'throwback' as I was feeling down that day and right now I just feel so desperate to travel. I've always loved going away and I feel like going somewhere new now more than ever, to find myself again and realise how beautiful the world really is. 

7. Trying out my 'SkinPep brightening enzyme and acid peel' whilst having a little pamper evening. It was something new to try and I quite liked it. 

8. OOTD for college. I had to dress very plain and simple because of the pink hair haha. But lets face it, I always dress in black and white. 

9. Backstage whilst shooting my video! It's a boots haul, click here to have a peek at what I brought. 

10. My new onesie! I felt a selfie was necessary, it's the cutest! It's literally the cosiest thing ever and grossly, i've pretty much lived in it the last few days. 

11. I wrote an Autumnal blogspost, just scroll down if you want to have a read of it. It's the 'Autumn tag'. Jasmine, if you're reading this, I'm still waiting for you to do yours ;) 

12. My dad thought he was hilarious arranging the mugs like this in Marks and Spenser. I had a lovely day on Sunday, a little family day out. This doesn't often happen as I always have work on the weekend, so it was lovely to spend some quality time with my mum and dad.

13. My new tattoo!! I'm joking hahah, it's a transfer. But i do love it a lot! I cannot wait to be 18 so I can finally get some tattoos. But I want to be 100% sure on what I want, so I thought why not try out some transfers?

14. Ewww. I tried a 'so white' bath bomb from Lush but I found a piece of sharp plastic inside it, and wait for it...a ginger beard hair (that is what it looked like). It was so gross and I was so disappointed because I usually love Lush products. 

15. My bed was looking lovely and wintery so why not Instagram it?!?

16. Lastly, Harry Styles obviously had to be on my Instagram somewhere. I posted this picture to cheer up everybody's Monday morning, I mean come on, look at him. 

Thanks for reading, Emily ♡

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